Knit Front and Back Increase Stitch KFB (Knitting Technique)

Learn how to easily increase your stitches with the knitting technique Knit Front and Back, written in most patterns as KFB.

This increase stitch creates two stitches from one. We achieve this by knitting into the front and back of the same stitch.

My step-by-step written instructions, along with slow, up close video tutorial, will help you easily learn to Knit Front and Back.

Two hands holding knitting needles demonstrating the Knit Front and Back technique.


Step 1: Begin with a Knit Stitch your regular way into the front of your work.

Hands demonstrating a Knit Stitch your regular way into the front of your work to knit front and back technqiue.


Step 2: Without taking the yarn off the needle, we will increase one more stitch by bringing the yarn on our needle also around to the back.

Hands demonstrating how to increase one more stitch by bringing the yarn on our needle around to the back.


Step 3: Knit into it.

Hands demonstrating how to knit back with knitting needles and yarn.


Step 4: Take it off your needle. Congratulations! Now, you have two stitches instead of just one, creating an increase in your knitted work.


I hope you are inspired to give this KFB Knit Front and Back technique in your next knitting project.

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Kristen Signature in Red Ink


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